Pandemic Reopening Plan
After thoughtful consideration and planning, and being deemed an essential service by the Walz Adminstration, American Indian OIC is now open by appointment only Monday-Friday from 9am-1pm. We know the pandemic has caused immense economic devastation for many of our most vulnerable community members, and we are carefully reopening our campus over the coming weeks to help address this devastation.
AIOIC’s leadership has adopted a Pandemic Preparedness Plan to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on our campus. Protocols include requiring all individuals entering or reentering an AIOIC building to complete a forehead temperature scan. All staff and visitors are encouraged to wear face masks. Social distancing will be practiced, a rigorous disinfecting process will be followed, and hand sanitizing and washing stations are available.
Takoda courses will remain online for the time-being and individual services will continue to be offered remotely. Please monitor our social media channels and website for ongoing updates and use the following contacts for questions or to enroll in current programming:
We are honored to continue serving the community both in-person while practicing social distancing and remotely using internet tools. We appreciate your cooperation and flexibility as we enter this new reality.