Winter found stability, support, and hope after enrolling at Takoda Works
Winter* is a single mother of two young children fighting hard to have a better life. She is a woman looking to do better, be better, have more. She is a recipient of welfare trying to become self-sufficient. Even while her circumstances remain difficult, this new season is bringing hope into her life.
Since coming to Minnesota, Winter has been working with Takoda Works, and enrolled in the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) and the Diversionary Work Program (DWP). Winter has attended all the offered workshops and job fairs, receiving counseling and guidance. It was difficult for her to navigate the Twin Cities, but every day she would use public transit and make her necessary appointments. What she found was that securing employment wasn’t easy; however, being solely responsible for her two children would require that she get a job fast. Winter decided to get a job as a Patient Care Assistant which was only part-time and paid $11.00 per hour. Although this was a step in the right direction, Winter never stopped wanting better for her and her family.
In August of this year I started working with Winter and by September she applied for and secured a temporary position with Award Staffing. This position is full-time and pays $12.00 per hour with option for overtime. She takes two buses just to get to the worksite during the week and three on the weekends. Winter never complains, and she is always on time for work. This job has allowed her to believe that she can have more, do more, and achieve better. This step up has fueled her with hope and strength to keep going.
Yes, she is a little bit broken and still scared, but she has a lot of fight in her. She might need a reminder that it’s possible to do hard things as a mom, an employee, and a dreamer. She might need to know it’s possible to stand up when she feels like sitting down, to show up when she wants to disappear, to swing for the fences when she feels like she’s doomed to strike out. On her journey to self-sufficiency I will continue empowering and encouraging her… greater is coming for Winter and her children.
*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of our participants.
Latisha Porter, MFIP Manager